As of today, I have merged my practice with the law firm of Murray, Ziel & Johnston, PLLC in Idaho Falls, Idaho. As I do so, I just thought I would explain a little bit on the background of why I made this decision–not that its very complicated.
I was happy practicing as a solo attorney. You can read about my journey doing that here: Starting Your Own Practice. Since I started out in 2017, things only got busier. I was handling more cases and experiencing greater administrative burden. Things like bookkeeping, taxes, processing paper work and files, running mail, picking up documents, etc., began to mount.
As such, I was reaching a point where I had to hire some help. From prior experience, I’ve learned that hiring help brings its own administrative headaches. I realized that what I really wanted to do was to put myself in a situation where I could worry more about moving my cases forward and expanding my efforts to help other people in need.
Blake Murray was one of the first attorneys I met when I was first considering hanging my own shingle. We had collaborated a bit on some cases. It just so happened that Murray Ziel was looking to add an attorney as they had space available at the same time that I was looking for some space and administrative relief.
By merging with Murray, Ziel & Johnston, it will help me avoid having to reinvent the wheel. I wont have to put all the administrative pieces into place. They have that worked out. Therefore, I can focus on working my cases and helping more people.
For 2019, I’m hoping to roll out educational seminars on the topics of debt defense and tenant rights. I’m also looking to grow my online presence through videos where I can answer questions people have about consumer rights issues. Of course, the top priority is to ensure I can focus and my clients the best legal representation I know how to give.
I’m looking forward to working with the attorneys and staff at Murray, Ziel & Johnston. These attorneys have extensive experience in family law, criminal defense, wills & estate planning, personal injury, general business law, and civil litigation. While my focus will certainly remain with the consumer rights world, I will likely help out with these matters from time to time. If you need help with a legal situation, please reach out!